We are carnivorous plant enthusiasts


We grow carnivorous plants from all over the world.  Our plants are of top quality, because each and every single one of them is examined with care everyday by our staff who are specially trained to grow carnivorous plants.  

We also offer botanical arts and art products by E.K. Wood.  We hope you can find something here to lighten your heart.


Carnivorous Plants

Take a look at our selections of top quality carnivorous plants.  All plants are examined daily with care by trained growers, so we can provide healthy, beautiful plants for you.


Botanical art products

We offer a wide variety of art products such as mugs, T-shirts, cell phone cases, scarves, and much more. 

Check out to see what you can find here!


Botanical Art Giclee prints

Giclee prints are the exact replica of the original watercolor painting printed with high lightfast (light fading resistant) pigmented ink on top quality archival papers.  All botanical art is provided by E.K. Wood